
Tuesday 29 March 2011

Cookie Day

Looking for something to do one morning I decided these monkeys can help me make chocolate chip cookies. I found a very good cookie recipe, this one is a keeper!!
You can find it here : Choc Chip Cookies  The secret ingredient?  Cinnamon.
It was so fun to watch monkey #1 mush the dough in her hands (the cleaning was a blast too!)
Monkey #2 eat the dough. Not too much...just a taste.
And the final result...
The best cookies I have ever made in my life. Not to brag or anything.
Thanks for the help kiddos you did great!

Friday 25 March 2011

Friday Confessional


I confess I just got up from an afternoon nap.
I love taking afternoon naps. I love the fact my kids are still sleeping.
I confess I am a neat freak.
I sometimes freak myself out over how crazy I get about keeping a neat and clean house.
I confess I have a sweet tooth.
I need to have dessert after every supper.
I confess I love a good yoga session.
My body feels all lengthened and stregthened.
I confess I watch Oprah.
Just the good ones, the ones when she gives people surprises and makes them cry.
I confess that makes me cry.
Yes I am so sappy. But I love it.
I confess I got this idea from my friend Connie's Blog I thought it was a cool idea.
So I tried it out.
And I love it!
I confess I have the best kids and husband in the world.
I love them so much.
I confess I love my baby growing inside of me.
Even though I spill everything on my belly when I am eating.
I confess I love my home.
And I should not take this for granted.

Happy Friday

Thursday 24 March 2011

Embrace the Camera

I never take a pic of myself. Say cheese! Haha I had to take many to finally get one I liked.
But I like this one even better...
yes, I like this one better, it is my lovelies. Lola's ready for her nap time.
(those breaks are sometimes well needed) Shh...I didn't say that.

I'm linking up here

Saturday 19 March 2011

Pregnancy: Week 20

This is me. 20 weeks pregnant. Approximately 20 more to go. What a long hard but very blessing 20 weeks it had been. I didn't know there was another side to pregnancy: Morning Sickness, or should I say All Day Sickness. Twice I have been pregnant, but never have I felt like this. Wow-we. I still have my moments, but it has improved alot. In the end every single grueling moment of peeing, uncomfortableness, back aches, nausea, and weigh gain is well worth it. Because I know there is a little baby growing inside me, waiting patiently to come out and meet us. There is no greater moment when you can finally meet him or her, and know that this is apart of you. Giving birth is such a powerful thing. Having babies is the best experience in the world. Life changing. The hard intense labour, getting up every 3 hours for feedings, poopy diapers and endless spit up is part of the process, rewarded with smiles and laughter, the first words of momma and dadda. The I love yous, and the endless pictures that they color to be displayed on the fridge. The list goes on and on and on.
There are a couple of things that have helped me and would NOT give up. First is my treadmill. It has helped me feel some what active and kept me sane through these winter months of isolation in my house.
It has also gave me incentive when Hayden my oldest patted my butt and said "mushy butt mommy." Then moved onto my arms confirming that they felt like Jell-O. No I didn't take it to heart, he is only 4.  The next is my body pillow. What I want to know is how did I survive the nights without this during my last two pregnancies? It helps me sleep minus the getting up to pee every couple of hours. The last thing I cannot love without are apples. I cannot eat enough apples. I crave apples. Apples, apples, apples. And yes thank you to my husband for helping me when I have not felt so hot. I love you.

The icing on the cake is when Hayden comes to me to talk to my belly. "Hayden loves baby." He is full of questions and talked endlessly about his new brother or sister. I am truly blessed. 

Sunday 13 March 2011

My little Lola

This is for my little Lola. You are a crazy little girl, and you make life wonderful. Without you I would have no body to fight with in the morning to do your hair, only to be undone 10 minutes later. My laundry would be cut in half, due to your  constant waredrobe change three times a day. Your cutie little brother Hayden would have no body to fight with or to blame stuff on. His hiding places would never be found. And he would never ever ever have to share....and your Daddy would not need to put up with two girls in this house, I think his hair is getting even thinner. I've seen him shake his head in pure confussion not knowing what to do with the both of us. For it's your way (or should I say our way) or the hiway. You bring mommy pure joy knowing I can do your long blonde hair everyday, I love shopping for everything girl for you. I love having mommy and daughter days, and I know when you are older they will be packed full of glam and suprises. Hayden loves playing with you, running around with you. And your daddy loves when he walks in the door only to find you running to him with your smile. I know you use him most always for a jungle gym, but then those cuddles and snuggles make up for that. Your little kisses are the best.
Happy Sunday.

Thursday 10 March 2011

The little things...

The kids are in bed....and it`s quiet. It`s almost defening. So this afternoon as I opened up the sunroom for the first time this year,(yes it was nice out for the first time in months) my kids found a bucket of clothes pins. And they played for what seemed like forever with them. They had a blast, as the toys I use as decor in every corner of my house are collecting dust because the kids are bored with them. I can still hear their little giggles of laughter. It`s the little things :)