
Friday 17 June 2011

Friday Confessional

Linking up this lazy rainy Friday with Mamarazzi for Friday Confessional


I confess I hate watching any kind of sports game ov TV.
Yes I know hate is a strong word.
Watching it in person is so much better....oh wait............ I don't watch the game I watch the people.
can anyone please tell me why does any kind of sports game on TV always seem like it's turned a million times louder than what it should be?????

When my son starts to play sports then I'll get interested in his games....and that's it.

I confess I bought a new bathing suit for the summer.

A maturnity bathing suit....
not just any kind of bathing suit....
a bikini!!!
and I love it! It shows my pregnant belly.....and I am proud if it!
After searching through the rack of bathing suits, and seeing the bikini, I thought I'd give it a whirl. I always see pregnant moms wearing a bikini on the beach, showing off their glowing belly....and now I am one of them!

All I say is you don't have to look if you don't want too!

I confess I went shopping by myself yesterday......just me
No kids, no husband.
I walked into a store with some very cute summer not a maturnity store......just a regular I thought I would try some on........I didn't think I would have any luck......
I tried just a few sizes bigger to fit my baby bump........
and they fit so nice, felt so good.......
I walked out with a big shopping bag full.......
Then I bought more hangers for my closet :)

That's it for this week.
Happy Friday!!

Saturday 11 June 2011

Happy List

This week's happy list.................
I am happy for the nice weather FINALLY!
I am happy to be cleaning and loading up the camper, soon we will be lake bound.
I am happy for the zillions of questions my four years old asks, and the zillion why's my two year old asks.

I love when they are all cuddled up from a hard day of play, fresh from the tub ready for some story books. I am happy for my keurig coffee machine. I love love love this machine!!! and all the selections of coffee that are available!
I am happy I was able to have my morning coffee outside while the kids play. It's truly bliss!
I am happy for the 4 little extra hands that helped me plant flowers this week. Thank you my little darlings :)
I am happy for the new and healthy meals I have cooked for supper this week. They turned out amazing!!!
I am happy for a good visit from a friend that was overdue.

Now it's your turn, join up here with

Thursday 9 June 2011

Embrace the Camera

32 Weeks!!
I keep forgetting to take pictures of my growing belly.
Is this over yet?

Take a picture of yourself and link up with Emily @

Saturday 4 June 2011

Happy List

  • I am happy for my life, my children, my husband. They are my life.
  • I am happy for my home, the warmth and love inside of it.
  • I am happy for the walks my body is able to walk, and the books my eyes are able to read.
  • I am happy for hot baths, and morning coffee.
  • I am happy for my friends. The ones that are truly your friends, the ones that "get you" and understand.
  • I am happy for all the memories I have, and all the ones yet to make.

Share the things on your Happy List with:

Mamarazzi and the Happy List


Friday 3 June 2011

Friday Confessional

It's Friday again!! Linking up with:


I confess the smell of buns baking in my oven is making me droll right now.

O.k. as a mom I confess this ugly gloomy weather is driving me crazy because my kids are all couped up inside which is driving them crazy. We are all going crazy together. I want sun, warm days and no rain. Together we would all be happier.

I confess my stress reliever from my whiny kids  (I DO LOVE THEM, I do!) has been my ipod on my treadmill. Very energizing, and a sense of I can accomplish anything!

I confess this gloomy weather makes me bake. But seriously I can not eat all this baking, and my deep freeze is full.

I am so ready to pack up our camper and spend my days at the lake. Hot sunny lazy lake days are the best. Kids smell like sunscreen in their cute little summer outfits, bonfires, smores and ice cream daily. Oh I am drooling again.

I confess I turned on the air conditioning in the truck last week and confess I did not know how to work it. Do the low numbers mean hotter or colder? I hope I am not the only one with this funny problem.

Happy Friday