
Saturday 11 June 2011

Happy List

This week's happy list.................
I am happy for the nice weather FINALLY!
I am happy to be cleaning and loading up the camper, soon we will be lake bound.
I am happy for the zillions of questions my four years old asks, and the zillion why's my two year old asks.

I love when they are all cuddled up from a hard day of play, fresh from the tub ready for some story books. I am happy for my keurig coffee machine. I love love love this machine!!! and all the selections of coffee that are available!
I am happy I was able to have my morning coffee outside while the kids play. It's truly bliss!
I am happy for the 4 little extra hands that helped me plant flowers this week. Thank you my little darlings :)
I am happy for the new and healthy meals I have cooked for supper this week. They turned out amazing!!!
I am happy for a good visit from a friend that was overdue.

Now it's your turn, join up here with

1 comment:

  1. yay for visits with friends, darling children who ask too many questions and trips to the lake. Sounds like a whole lot of HAPPY to me!

    thanks for linking up!!
