
Friday 17 June 2011

Friday Confessional

Linking up this lazy rainy Friday with Mamarazzi for Friday Confessional


I confess I hate watching any kind of sports game ov TV.
Yes I know hate is a strong word.
Watching it in person is so much better....oh wait............ I don't watch the game I watch the people.
can anyone please tell me why does any kind of sports game on TV always seem like it's turned a million times louder than what it should be?????

When my son starts to play sports then I'll get interested in his games....and that's it.

I confess I bought a new bathing suit for the summer.

A maturnity bathing suit....
not just any kind of bathing suit....
a bikini!!!
and I love it! It shows my pregnant belly.....and I am proud if it!
After searching through the rack of bathing suits, and seeing the bikini, I thought I'd give it a whirl. I always see pregnant moms wearing a bikini on the beach, showing off their glowing belly....and now I am one of them!

All I say is you don't have to look if you don't want too!

I confess I went shopping by myself yesterday......just me
No kids, no husband.
I walked into a store with some very cute summer not a maturnity store......just a regular I thought I would try some on........I didn't think I would have any luck......
I tried just a few sizes bigger to fit my baby bump........
and they fit so nice, felt so good.......
I walked out with a big shopping bag full.......
Then I bought more hangers for my closet :)

That's it for this week.
Happy Friday!!

Saturday 11 June 2011

Happy List

This week's happy list.................
I am happy for the nice weather FINALLY!
I am happy to be cleaning and loading up the camper, soon we will be lake bound.
I am happy for the zillions of questions my four years old asks, and the zillion why's my two year old asks.

I love when they are all cuddled up from a hard day of play, fresh from the tub ready for some story books. I am happy for my keurig coffee machine. I love love love this machine!!! and all the selections of coffee that are available!
I am happy I was able to have my morning coffee outside while the kids play. It's truly bliss!
I am happy for the 4 little extra hands that helped me plant flowers this week. Thank you my little darlings :)
I am happy for the new and healthy meals I have cooked for supper this week. They turned out amazing!!!
I am happy for a good visit from a friend that was overdue.

Now it's your turn, join up here with

Thursday 9 June 2011

Embrace the Camera

32 Weeks!!
I keep forgetting to take pictures of my growing belly.
Is this over yet?

Take a picture of yourself and link up with Emily @

Saturday 4 June 2011

Happy List

  • I am happy for my life, my children, my husband. They are my life.
  • I am happy for my home, the warmth and love inside of it.
  • I am happy for the walks my body is able to walk, and the books my eyes are able to read.
  • I am happy for hot baths, and morning coffee.
  • I am happy for my friends. The ones that are truly your friends, the ones that "get you" and understand.
  • I am happy for all the memories I have, and all the ones yet to make.

Share the things on your Happy List with:

Mamarazzi and the Happy List


Friday 3 June 2011

Friday Confessional

It's Friday again!! Linking up with:


I confess the smell of buns baking in my oven is making me droll right now.

O.k. as a mom I confess this ugly gloomy weather is driving me crazy because my kids are all couped up inside which is driving them crazy. We are all going crazy together. I want sun, warm days and no rain. Together we would all be happier.

I confess my stress reliever from my whiny kids  (I DO LOVE THEM, I do!) has been my ipod on my treadmill. Very energizing, and a sense of I can accomplish anything!

I confess this gloomy weather makes me bake. But seriously I can not eat all this baking, and my deep freeze is full.

I am so ready to pack up our camper and spend my days at the lake. Hot sunny lazy lake days are the best. Kids smell like sunscreen in their cute little summer outfits, bonfires, smores and ice cream daily. Oh I am drooling again.

I confess I turned on the air conditioning in the truck last week and confess I did not know how to work it. Do the low numbers mean hotter or colder? I hope I am not the only one with this funny problem.

Happy Friday

Monday 30 May 2011


 Is what I hear all day long.
 The funny thing is, is that I love hearing this.
 She says it in her own little adorable Lola little way.
Precious Moments...........

Don't mind the dirty shirt, it's soon to be bath time :)

Saturday 28 May 2011

Happy List

Linking up here for the Happy List:


This week I am happy for the nice weather we got for seeding, even if we have not finished yet.
I am happy for the rain this weekend, my husband is at home and (i can get him to do some odds and ends that have been put off due to him living in the tractor) (don't let him to I am a little happy for this.) hehe But more importantly we get to send time together.

I am happy I have 8-10 weeks of this pregnancy left. I can meet this bundle of love before long, and become a family of 5, with even more love.

Priceless joy that comes to my life everyday:
My kids!
watching them play, hearing them talk to each other --there little conversations are priceless--
I cannot wait to add to this excitement when baby comes. And after that let there be even more babies!!

Monday 23 May 2011

Rainbow Cookies

Rainbow Cookies

I made these a few weeks ago, one cold afternoon. They were very fun to make!

Play Dough Cookies
* 3/4 cup butter, softened
* 3 ounces cream cheese
* 1 cup white sugar
* 1 egg
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
* assorted colors of paste food coloring
* lollipop sticks (optional)

1. In the electric mixer, cream butter, cream cheese and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla; beat until smooth.
2. In a medium bowl combine flour, baking powder and salt. Add dry ingredients to the creamed mixture. Stir till soft dough forms. Divide dough into six different bowls. Tint each with a different food color. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 2 hours.
3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Working with each color, shape each color of dough into a snake like roll. For each cookie I used 1 red, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue and 1 purple. Shape the colored like coils into a rainbow shape. Place cookies 3 inches apart on lightly greased baking sheet. Carefully insert lollipop sticks into bottoms of cookies.
4. Bake cookies for 8 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool and store in an airtight container.

The kids had alot of fun with the colors, and eating them was a blast. It was a very exciting afternoon!!

Saturday 21 May 2011

Happy List


Join me here with the Happy List with Mamarazzi

I have been slacking on the blogging lately. I realize this is not a good idea, I need to capture and remember these moments, my little mind will not remember all of them.

I am Happy for today:

My son played his first "away" soccer game, and he did terrific!! Way to go Hayden!!! Mommy loves you so much!!! (not to embarrass his or anything :)

The weather has been cooperating, my husband who is a farmer on the side of his day job sat in the tractor all day. I am happy for the dry weather. Everyday on the tractor is a day sooner to be done seeding.

I am happy for the wonderful day I spent with my kids. We went to the circus after soccer.  Hayden and Lola were so will behaved (not to brag) ( I was a little worried how Lola who is 2 would sit through 2 1/2 hrs of it.)

I am happy they loved every minute of it, and I had a blast watching them love every minute of it.

Hayden who is shy even got his face painted:

I am happy we went with friends and then went out for supper. Thank you for a wonderful day!
              (I was happy at supper....Momma got what she was craving....sweet potato fries....yummy!)

 Just what this momma bear and her cubs needed, a day out, one on one time shared with friends.

Driving home and seeing two sleeping kids in the backseat, knowing they had a fun day is the best feeling ever.

I can't wait to pop out baby number 3 to share fun times with. 3 more months!!

This makes me truly happy!

Monday 9 May 2011

Thoughts from a Pregnant Momma

Tomorrow marks 28 weeks of caring around baby number 3. Can this be over already? Crankiness (not the kids...I'm talking about me) peeing, body aching, tiredness. Not to mention my husband is jealous, I pay more attention to my body pillow then I do to him.

Three more months...I'll be holding our newest addition to our family. I cannot (seriously CANNOT) wait to meet him or her......
I have two little helpers that I know will spoil this child.....I am sure Lola will be waiting for the soother to fall out of baby's mouth so she can swipe it up and put it back in. Hayden told me he wants to help me feed the baby, and hold the baby........

I love all the kicking going on inside of me.....except for when I am trying to sleep. Better get used to it, soon there will be no sleep........

Not to mention my kids wanting to lift my shirt up in public to show everyone my belly.....nice.....

I am truly blessed to be having my 3rd baby. We waited a while for this to happen.....every moment is worth it.

We found out we were pregnant while on Vacation in Mexico.

I knew I was NOT hungover from all those all inclusive drinks because I could not even look at them........
I felt queezy and the food turned me off...until I got hungry and then ate like a cow.(yup eating for two...)
Took a pregnancy test with Spanish instruction....(yes I know how to use them.....but still wanted to make sure that the two lines meant positive....)
We told everyone on Christmas day.... it was a wonderful present.......
And now baby is expected to come around Hayden's 5th birthday.....a wonderful present.....
although he did tell me that he actually wanted a real present and instead of the baby.

Happy Parenthood!

Friday 6 May 2011

Friday Confessional

Linking up and enjoying my Friday Confessional with:


I confess I am watching Bambi right now. I have never ever watched Bambi before....

I confess I am very lucky to have my husband. He just started a new job, after leaving his old job of 15 years. He loves it. I love it that he loves it. He is a happier person. I am a happier person.

I confess it feels LIKE I have a new husband. He had laser eye surgery, and with his new job, he gets to dress up, and gel his hair. (Big change from a cap)!!! I like this new side of him.( After baby number 3 pops out of me, there might be a baby number 4 pretty Darn quick.) hehe

With Mother's day around the corner, I confess I am blessed to be a mom to the most precious children in the world. God I love them. I
also have been thinking about how lucky I was to know my mom when I did. She died when I was 14. Every moment was wonderful, and I thank her for everything she taught and shared with me.

I confess what life would be like if she was still here. I get jealous when I seen someone my age share those mother daughter experiences. I know I will get my share now that I have my own daughter.

That's it this week. Happy Mother's day to all those wonderful moms out there. You guys are the best!! I know your kids bring joy to your lives.

Sunday 24 April 2011

The simple things

Today is Easter Sunday, and Lola's Baptism. It was wonderful to dress up and go to church. We don't get this dolled up very often so out came the camera. I love this pics, and I will probably post too many...oh well.

It's those cute smiles, mischievous faces, little giggles, big hugs and kisses. It is the simple things that put those big smiles on your faces.

She is my little dolly, as my grandma would call her. God rest her soul.

 I love his smile
And hers....

Awww, they stopped fighting long enough to take this... haha j/k

These candid ones are the best...

and a little hockey before church....

needed to fit me in here some where.

We were sitting in church today, and I looked over, all I could see was Grandpa smiling at Lola. It's Love.
This was her day, I am so blessed to have her, (as well as my cute son)

Happy Easter

Link up here:

Friday 22 April 2011

Friday Confessional

I can't believe it's Friday again!

I confess I have been extremely lazy this week. Now that the weather is finally getting nicer outside I hope this laziness disappears.

I confess I blame my laziness on my pregnancy. I know I will be running after three soon.

I confess I should get on my treadmill for a little energy boost. It's just the thought of doing it.............

I confess I organized my SHOES and wonder what was I thinking buying a pair of 4 inch black pumps that I never wear as well as a 4 inch hot pink pair?? 
Because they looked so damn good on that store shelf, I just needed to have them. My babies that I will probably never wear........I can damn well dream....Right? I would probably fall or break my ankle if I did..........

I confess I have an addiction to shopping for almost anything. 

I confess I buy my two year old daughter way more clothes than my four year old son. It is just so darn easy to buy for her...all those cute girlie clothes, shoes and accessories. Oh god help me if I have another girl....... I need to breathe....

I confess my husband thinks that his pair of new sandals from LAST year should do him for the next ten years.......I think he is nuts. That just digusts me. ewww those smelly stale gross things. 
Thank god he has me to buy him new ones and dress him. Good gosh he would still be wearing his clothes from high school if he didn't meet me.

My hubby had laser surgry last Friday. I confess it's weird for me to know he can see everything without glasses. Including me (if you know what I mean....) wink wink

Happy Easter!
 Linnking up on Fridays with Glamazon and Mamarazzi 


Thursday 21 April 2011

Embrace the Camera

 This Time I'm embracing the camera with me and my baby belly.
How many weeks am I?.....................
25 weeks!!!
I thankfully remembered to take pictures. It's so easy to forget to photograph my growing baby from time to time.

Embrace the camera here:

Friday 15 April 2011

Friday Confessional

Linking up with Mamarazzi for the wonderful Friday Confessional

I confess my children are the most important thing ever. Their little beings bring me so much joy. I am blessed to have healthy children, I am so happy to get good results from their doctor. Nothing like living in pure agony, to be relieved with good news.

I confess I feel sorry for my husband, he just had laser surgery and needs to wear some funny looking goggles with tape all over his face. I thought I wanted glasses for a "new look".  Seeing him today makes me happy I don't wear glasses, or want them.

I confess I hate getting up early. I had to get up early this morning to take my hubby in for laser surgery and it just plain sucked. I love getting up and NOT rushing out the door. I love getting up and not feeling like I am half asleep, all groggy eyed and disoriented.

I confess I am feeling Rather full right now. I chowed down on one of those juicy fast food burgers and fries on our way home. It was so good, especially when I have been craving it for a while. I think the baby wanted it. haha.

I confess I am rather disgusted by my burger right now, and probably will eat salad for the next 3 days.

I confess I Love my baby kicking and moving inside of me all the time. I feel like a whale.

I confess I wear jeans when I go out, but as soon as I get home, the poor kids are still in their jackets while I am changing into those comfy stretchy pants. What would life be like without stretchy pants?
 I don't ever want to find out. :)

O.k. guys that's it for this week.
I also confess it feels so good to confess about the stretchy pants thing. :)

Now it's your turn.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Colored Cupcakes

The kids and I were bored one afternoon, we so I decided it's time to bake. I love baking with the kids, each one takes turns dumping the ingredients into the bowl, stirring, licking, and tasting.
It's very simple:
1 white cake mix, and prepare as directed
To get such vibrant color I used Wilton food coloring.
I divided the batter into 6 bowls and added the food coloring.
Then it's time to fill the muffin cups and bake as directed.

I tried to make some of these look like Easter bunnies, I think I need to practice a little more.

My kids are not usually cupcake or cake eaters, except for the icing. I have never ever seen them eat the whole darn thing. 
Cheers to cupcakes!

Embrace the Camera

Embrace the camera you can tell, we were just being silly...... sorry about this picture Lola...

Caught me on a lookin hot day. haha NOT!!

Lola did you need to sneeze?

Hayden, my four yr old took this pic, pretty good huh?
I love my kids, they are the best.

Link up with Emily here and Embrace the camera. It's fun.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Embrace the Camera

This week we took the kids to the farm to check how many baby claves we had. We toured around on the RTV and took advantage of another melting sunny spring day, enjoying the new cute baby calves.
I got a picture snapped of the kids and I, thanks to my lovely husband who took the picture.
At least I look happy, when the kids see the camera they like to put on their grumpy face....aww their still cute

Be sure do link up with Emily here:

Sunday 3 April 2011

the simple things

I have many favorite things, this one tops my list.

The best part about any day is after a long day of play, lots of giggles, sticky hands, and no's, snuggled in their bed, clean from their bath with their cute p.j.'s ready to go to sleep, to get ready for the next day of play it's story time. This is the best part of my day.

Each kiddo has their collection of storybooks, these are just a few of My favorites. All snuggled in tight, ready for storytime, it doesn't get any better.